Acid Wash / Chlorine Wash

Chlorine Wash 

A chlorine wash goes hand in hand with a green to clean service.  During a chlorine wash we drain the entire pool with an electric pump.  The pump has an auto shut off so the customer doesn'd have to be home or do anything during the pool drain process.   We set the pump up, let it run, and return when the pool is  empty. 

During the chlorine wash we use several gallons of liquid chlorine which we pour directly onto the pool surface.  We scrub the entire pool with chlorine which kills and disinfects all contaminants including hidden algae spores.  This is an effective treatment for swimming pool algae removal.  Our chlorine is full strength, not diluted.   The chlorine wash cleans the surface of the pool very well, removing dirt and some stains.  The chlorine wash is great for swimming pools with any kind of algae problem and is highly recommended for all green pools.

** PLEASE NOTE:  An acid wash or chlorine wash does NOT remove the white mineral build up commonly found on the water line.  This build up needs a completely different type of cleaning and is priced separately from an acid wash. 

Green to Clean Service

Every pool owner at one time or another has done battle with pool algae.  Algae can enter the water through wind, rain, landscape debris or even contaminated equipment and swim suits.  When conditions are right:  warm water, sunlight, poor chemistry, inadequate circulation or filtration, alge can seemingly appear over night.   Pool Boss, LLC will evaluate and remediate the source of the problem - poor chemistry, equipment problems, dirty filters resulting in poor circulation, etc.  Use a variety of chemical agents to treat the problem, and eliminate the algae.   

Common Algae Include the Following!

GREEN ALGAE -  Probably the most common type of pool algae,  Green Algae is found on pool walls and surfaces, it reduces water clarity, imparting a clear green color to the water.

YELLOW ALGAE - Sometimes  called Mustard Algae, it is a yellow and greenish algae usually found on the shady side of the pool clinging to walls and surfaces.  Yellow Algae is hard to eradicate, homeowners often spend a season fighting it as it is resistant to normal chlorine levels.

BLACK ALGAE -  The most difficulty type of algae to eradicate, Black Algae appears as small black or dark green/blue spots on surfaces.  Most common in plaster pools, it will bury its roots directly into the plaster though prevention, through regular cleaning service, is the best defense.   If you catch it quickly enough, shock treatments and running the pump continuously can kill the algae and turn your pool from swampy green back to sparkingly blue.  However, leaving a green pool untreated for even a couple of days may require methods that are more aggressive.  Your pool may even need to be drained, scrubbed, chlorine washed, refilled, and balanced.  If your pool needs a "green to clean" call Pool Boss, LLC.  

Acid Wash

An acid wash is a popular choice for cleaning tough stains off plaster & pebble surfaces.  An Acid wash uses muriatic acid, water, and a thickening additive.  Combining the proper mixture of these components is one reason an acid wash should only be done by experienced pool professionals.  The acid can literally "etch" or eat away a small layer of the pools plaster, revealing the fresh and white layer underneath.  This type of cleaning is intense and better suited for removing tougher stains in the plaster.  However, due to the nature of an acid wash, this type of cleaning should NOT be performed on a regular basis.  A yearly acid wash, for example, would shorten the normal life span of a plaster pool as layer after small layer would be removed each year.  However, the occasional use of an acid wash is a great tool for restoring a "clean look" to a dirty surface.

An acid wash is not a cure all.  The best results from an acid wash is when the plaster is still in decent shape.  An acid wash is normally not possible, nor will it help, when the plaster is very old and thin.   Although, an acid wash works well on some stains, other stains are too deep to be cleaned.  The stains may be penetrating through many layers of plaster, and cannot be cleaned, even with an acid wash. 

An acid wash can also be used effectively on Pebble Tec surfaces.  However, it should be noted that pebble pools may not visually appear much different after an acid wash.  This does not mean the wash was unsuccessful or beneficial.  The acid wash is useful for a good general cleaning and removing mineral "haze" which builds up, but the customer should not anticipate a huge visual difference with a pebble pool.

You should always hire a company who have experience doing acid washes to perform the acid wash.  The muriatic acid is a toxic chemical and needs to be handled as such.  If the acid is left too long on the pool plaster it will literally start burning into the plaster.  It is highly advised that you hire a professional compay such as Pool Boss, LLC to perform this type of cleaning.

** PLEASE NOTE:  An acid wash or chlorine wash does NOT remove the white mineral build up commonly found on the water line.  This build up needs a completely different type of cleaning and is priced separately from an acid wash. 

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Let us do the work, so you can relax and enjoy your pool!

